London – With an aim to teaching professionals and students how to get in touch with their creative side, a new school specialising in play has opened.
Playlab offers attendees the chance to imagine and play together through a series of workshops that encourage art and craft, roleplay, and making music and movies. A forthcoming Institute of Play will host a selection of technical kit, including music-recording and film-making equipment, stop-frame animation sets and experimental digital art software, so participants can create their own animations and short films under professional direction. A well-stocked materials archive will further allow attendees to build cardboard houses or, according to the Playlab website, ‘sculpt the head of Abraham Lincoln in tangerine jelly and biscuits’.
This whimsical, mind-expanding approach to letting loose productively is helping to reinstate the creative thought needed to tackle today’s business environment. As we tracked in our trend report on Dreamtelligence, a little dreaming goes a long way.