LS:N Global Events

An obstacle for many businesses today is how to build teams that are armed with fast-changing consumer information, and are capable of applying it strategically. The most compelling and entertaining way to bring this intelligence to life is through an LS:N Global presentation or event.

Age of the Long Near Trend Briefing, Southbank Centre, 2015 Age of the Long Near Trend Briefing, Southbank Centre, 2015

Biannual Trend Briefings

Our globally renowned Trend Briefings explore the key trends that are set to have an impact on your business in the coming years.

Hosted in London, New York, Stockholm, Melbourne and Sydney, LS:N Global Trend Briefings are designed to drive thinking and innovation, by presenting guests with insight that will open up new opportunities in the marketplace.

Click here to see a film of our most recent Trend Briefing.

Retail Futures Forum 2015, London Retail Futures Forum 2015, London
Retail Futures Forum, London Retail Futures Forum 2015, London
Retail Futures Forum 2015, London Retail Futures Forum 2015, London

Quarterly Futures Forums

Each LS:N Global Futures Forum is a highly immersive, in-depth look at a specific sector, and how it will evolve in the coming months and years. Our intimate forums examine and bring to life developments in Retail, Beauty, Food & Drink, Luxury, Technology and Consumer Behaviour.

Expert guest speakers discuss the main themes, trends and issues. Forums are held in London, New York, Sydney and Melbourne.

Check out our shop for forthcoming events, or download the LS:N Global app for the latest information.

Click here to view a short film of our latest Futures Forum.

Bespoke Briefings

LS:N Global’s Bespoke Briefings are built-to-order presentations that address the unique questions facing your brand. Whether it’s looking at the future of customer service, or the advent of a cashless future, a Bespoke Briefing will equip your brand with the means to lead change, rather than follow it.

To find out more about how we research, develop, design and deliver our Bespoke Briefings, please click here.

Off-the-Shelf Briefings

Our Off-the-Shelf Briefings draw on the wealth of existing research available on LS:N Global, which currently features 7,000 stories, all developed by our in-house editors, senior journalists and visual-trends analysts. These briefings are perfect for kick-starting meetings, awaydays and workshops, and for providing inspiration for internal teams or external clients.

We identify the new and next global or sector-specific trends for you, and explore the impact they will have on consumer thinking over the coming three to five years.

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