Feedback Frontiers

Macro Trends

Feedback Frontiers

As communications with consumers become more circular and conversational, brands are treating every micro-interaction as a valuable opportunity to ...
Retail : E-commerce : Digital
Voyage Apparel

Micro Trends

Voyage Apparel

Clothing and accessories brands are catering for Liberated Luxurians with new collections and services for ever-more peripatetic affluent c...
Luxury : Fashion : Travel
Pollution Apparel

Micro Trends

Pollution Apparel

Leading creatives are using water pollution as a resource to highlight unsustainable production practices in the fashion industry and offer alterna...
Fashion : Apparel : Sustainability
Refashioning charity retail


Refashioning charity retail

Julie Neeve, project manager of new store formats at Oxfam, on the perks of housing the charity’s new superstore on an Oxford industrial estate.
Retail : Sustainability : Fashion
Fast Fashion Rental

Micro Trends

Fast Fashion Rental

Clothing rental is moving from high-end fashion to the high street, creating new paths to discovery and access for trend-conscious consumers.
Retail : Fashion : Retail Technology
Microbes will make manufacturing transparent


Microbes will make manufacturing transparent

Dr Jessica Green, CEO and co-founder of Phylagen, on using microbiomes to verify brands’ ethical manufacturing practices.
Fashion : Supply Chain : Transparency
Instagram isn’t the space for sustainable fashion


Instagram isn’t the space for sustainable fashion

As more brands strive to be sustainable, it’s time to re-think social platforms that promote incessant newness and instant in-app purchasing.
Sustainability : Fashion : Instagram
Future-proofing India’s organic cotton farmers


Future-proofing India’s organic cotton farmers

Sustainability adviser Derek Sabori and Volcom chief marketing officer Ryan Immegart on the brand’s traceable organic cotton initiative Farm to Yar...
Fashion : Sports : Sustainability
Gaming Garments Market


Gaming Garments Market

Esports and gaming culture are infiltrating the world of fashion, with inspiring brand collaborations and innovation in performance wear.
Fashion : Esports : Leisure
Automated Apparel

Micro Trends

Automated Apparel

The next generation of connected clothing will use artificial intelligence to react and recalibrate, catering for continually changing consumer nee...
Fashion : Wellness : AI
Sustainable Footwear Market


Sustainable Footwear Market

Following in the footsteps of fashion, the shoe industry is embracing sustainability, not only through materials and assembly, but also through far...
Fashion : Footwear : Sustainability
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