Macro Trends

Major shifts in consumer behaviour that will dictate our business environment in the long term.

Community Commerce

Macro Trends

Community Commerce

A new wave of decentralised retail concepts are transforming e-commerce as consumers look for alternative ways to access and exchange products and ...
Retail : Media : Entertainment
Resilience Culture

Macro Trends

Resilience Culture

We have been living in an age of self-censorship, hyper-safe spaces and social comfort zones. But as global anxieties abound, a countermovement of ...
Wellness : Health : Travel
Uncoupled Living

Macro Trends

Uncoupled Living

Being in a couple is becoming a less prevalent way to structure society, as more adults embrace the single life.
Family : Culture : Lifestyle
Programmable Realities

Macro Trends

Programmable Realities

The rise of reactive new materials and technologies means that future physical consumer touchpoints will no longer be set in stone… or any other so...
Media : Futuretainment : Technology
Uprooted Diets

Macro Trends

Uprooted Diets

Diets are undergoing a seismic shift as threatened supply chains, shortened food miles and a demand for more positive action from brands change wha...
Food : Drinks : Uprooted Diets
Anxiety Rebellion

Macro Trends

Anxiety Rebellion

Instead of numbing their anxiety with substances or indulging in other vices, Generation Z are turning emotions into actions, challenging existing ...
Youth : Health : Culture
Immaterial Fashion

Macro Trends

Immaterial Fashion

As the fashion industry grapples with existential questions about supply chain and overconsumption, digitisation offers a new route for consumers ...
Fashion : Sustainability : Digital
Uneasy Affluence

Macro Trends

Uneasy Affluence

A collective backlash against ostentatious spending is fuelling new anxiety among luxury consumers. This is forcing luxury brands to rethink the...
Luxury : Hospitality : Finance
Certified Wellness

Macro Trends

Certified Wellness

The once distinctly separate worlds of health and wellness are converging as consumers seek a new framework for healthy living that prioritises con...
Health : Wellbeing : Certified Wellness
Algorithmic Beauty

Macro Trends

Algorithmic Beauty

As beauty technologies gain in popularity, social media, artificial intelligence and algorithms are beginning to shape a new beauty ideal.
Beauty : Technology
Storefront Salvation

Macro Trends

Storefront Salvation

Fuelled by an understanding that saving the store relies on a combination of physical touchpoints and digital technology, retailers are reconsi...
Retail : E-commerce : Digital
Morality Recoded

Macro Trends

Morality Recoded

Our traditional moral frameworks of religion and family are declining. Institutions, brands and consumers are now re-evaluating the power of innova...
Technology : Retail : Mobility
Post-growth Society

Macro Trends

Post-growth Society

As our obsession with economic growth proves to be unsustainable, brands, institutions and consumers are seeking new metrics of progress.
Post-growth Society : GDP : Economics
Subconscious Commerce

Macro Trends

Subconscious Commerce

With Internet of Things technology creating newly immersive brand touchpoints and data analytics allowing businesses to anticipate every desire, co...
Retail : Automation : Technology
Brand Culture 2020

Macro Trends

Brand Culture 2020

Responding to an increasingly unstable marketplace, tomorrow’s brands will seek to combine the benefits of automation with the creation of a work...
Workplace : Branding : Culture
Consumer 2020

Macro Trends

Consumer 2020

In the next decade, brands need to prepare for consumers who are abandoning traditional institutions, seeking comfort in safe spaces and reassert...
Youth : Purpose : Belonging
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