Sweden – In the world of automobiles, clean air is a rare commodity. Volvo has made this the focus of its latest advert, in its most tranquil car commercial ever.
- CleanZone is an air-filtration system that purifies the air inside the latest XC90 SUV
- ‘Up to 45% of the industrialised world’s population is now suffering from some form of allergy or hypersensitivity’ – Peter Mertens, senior vice-president research and development, Volvo Cars
Swedish Air, by agency Grey London, is a serene journey through the Swedish wilds accompanied by the soundtrack of rustling trees, howling gales and the rippling of the breeze over water, all without a car in sight. The advert draws attention to Volvo’s CleanZone air-filtration system, which captures the small harmful particles and pollen in the incoming air. ‘At Volvo, our commitment to safety goes well beyond safety belts and air bags,’ says Mertens. ‘It’s about making sure that every minute you and your family spend in a Volvo is as safe as it can possibly be. That includes breathing.’
The Big Picture: Brands must go beyond function and consider how they can actively participate in benefitting their consumers’ health and wellbeing. Read our macrotrend The Optimised Self for more.