Auckland – For its latest advertising campaign, New Zealand travel website House of Travel takes a contemplative approach.
- A two-and-a-quarter minute film for the campaign references how time slows down when travelling
- It is a meditative alternative to travel advertising that is usually brightly coloured and fast-paced
The new campaign, with the tagline ‘the best holidays are created together’, was a collaboration between House of Travel’s agency Colenso BBDO and director Kiku Ohe of Exit Films. It uses imagery of real people travelling rather than actors, and shows contemplative moments such as when a parent watches their child play on the beach or the serenity of floating in water.
The ad is accompanied by a mellow piano soundtrack that evokes the slowing down of time that occurs on holiday. ‘When we are on holiday the days seem to stretch out longer than when we are in our everyday routine, and it was a great challenge and joy to explore this concept of time,’ said Ohe in a statement.
‘We wanted to show destinations in a way that the viewer would feel, not just watch,’ added Nick Worthington, executive creative director at Colenso BBDO.
The Big Picture
Brands are realising that advertising campaigns don’t have to deal in the simple emotions of happy or sad, but can be more complex in their reach. For more, see our macrotrend The E-motional Economy.