Global – The film was inspired by the extra-dimensional Black Lodge featured in Twin Peaks.
Directed by Marie Schuller in collaboration with artist and designer Francis Bitonti, the film, 1-800-Vision-Star, combines a highly stylised hyper-reality with other Lynchian aesthetics. By directly referencing Twin Peaks, the renowned 1990s tv show Lynch created, the campaign taps into the momentum that is now building around the show’s return on 21 May in the US.
Squarespace is another brand jumping on the hype surrounding the return of Twin Peaks with its Playing Lynch project. Described as ‘a collaborative meditation on the work of David Lynch’, it asked a number of artists to re-interpret the work of Lynch to raise support and awareness for the David Lynch Foundation.
The Big Picture
- By producing content inspired by David Lynch’s Twin Peaks, brands are tapping into cultural momentum to show they are in tune with the zeitgeist
- As we highlighted in our Netstalgia macrotrend, creatives are still embracing the aesthetics that were prevalent in the 1990s