Switzerland – The film, The Thief, describes the commute as a stealer of time.
The advert combines stylised imagery with an engaging script, and talks about how commuting takes away precious time that could be spent on morning beauty regimes.
‘My daily commute is a thief, a burglar who steals away my precious time,’ the voiceover says. ‘It shows no mercy. It steals my breakfast, my long, hot shower and that priceless me time I need to do my hair.’
The ad was created by Walker Zurich as part of haircare brand SYOSS’s Switzerland-based 2017 Get SYOSSED campaign.
‘With this film, we wanted to create something that was different from the usual mould that hair ads stick to,’ Pius Walker, creative director at Walker Zurich, told AdWeek.
The Big Picture
- By moving away from the cliches typically associated with haircare branding, SYOSS has created a campaign that consumers can relate to more
- For more on how brands are moving away from traditional forms of authenticity, see our Anti-authenticity Marketing macrotrend