Austin, Texas – The first packaging-free supermarket in the US is due to open in the autumn. In:gredients will be the first supermarket to adopt a ‘sustainable micro-grocer business model’.
Promoting a sustainable and healthier lifestyle, the supermarket will encourage customers to use containers brought from home or compostable containers provided in-store for their groceries. The supermarket will source and stock local, seasonal and organic food, helping to stimulate the local economy while reducing the energy used to transport food from region to region.
‘We want the community we serve to help determine our ethos and define what ‘package-free’ and ‘zero waste’ actually mean in our store,’ says the In:gredients website.
In:gredients will also host community events such as concerts, garden days and cooking lessons, and feature local artwork.
For more on food consumption and production trends, read our forthcoming Food Futures report, soon to be available from The Future Laboratory’s online shop.