London – Last week at the LS:N Global Sports network evening, Luke Scheybeler, executive creative director of Scheybeler + Company, explored the future of sports reportage with his iPad cycling publication, The Collarbone.
‘Using the iPad as a medium for photography works well,’ says Scheybeler. ‘It is shareable, tactile and the back-lit screen shows photos in a very vivid way.’
The Collarbone was an experiment, explains Scheybeler, with the new creative iOS platform that Apple created. ‘The beauty of the iOS platform is that it enables other people to be creative. It takes a couple of hundred pounds, some hard graft and you have a business through this new publishing ecosystem.’
Scheybeler explained that for brands to thrive in the digital space, they need to focus down into niches, and address the specific needs of their consumers. ‘Bigger brands need to start being houses of brands to survive in the digital space,’ he says. ‘The simple fact is that you can’t be everything to everyone.’
For information on LS:N Global’s forthcoming events, contact Alena Joyette. Visit our Seed section this week to see the other guest speakers from the Sports Network Evening in conversation with LS:N Global editor James Wallman.