Tokyo – Bandai, the Japanese company that introduced the Tamagotchi digital pet to Western markets more than a decade ago, is trying to replicate the crossover feat for the holiday season with the new TechPet.
Now on sale in the Toy Kingdom at Harrods, the TechPet is a robotic, dog-shaped base that connects to an iPhone app that displays the creature’s face. More than 100 facial animations are available, and the device uses the iPhone’s built-in camera to process gestural feedback from users. The dog can perform various tricks, including walking, sitting and dancing.
Designing the toy with smartphones in mind reflects children’s growing familiarity with the devices at younger and younger ages. ‘The toy industry is rapidly turning to technology-based toys to satisfy children’s growing enthusiasm in the sector,’ Bandai told trade publication ToyNews.
For more on how younger consumers relate to technology, read our Generation D tribe report.