San Francisco – Short film Box is a mystifying feat of technology and robotics that shows the artistic potential of projection-mapping.
Everything in Box is filmed in-camera, which means there is no computer-generated post-production. This blurs the line between the digital and physical worlds, making the viewer question what he or she is seeing as the brain tries to comprehend whether it could happen in real life.
Created by robotics and technology innovation company Bot & Dolly, the film demonstrates how the precision control of its robots – normally used in car manufacturing – can be combined with creative technologies to create a mesmerising display that baffles the senses.
The film is meant to ‘serve as both an artistic statement and a technical demonstration’, says the studio. ‘[It] has tremendous potential to radically transform theatrical presentations, and define new genres of expression.’
For more on the combination of the physical and digital realms, read about Phy-gital spaces in our Dawn of the Mega-systems macrotrend.