
Daily statistics from around the world highlighting evolving mindsets, attitudes and expectations of consumers, transcending age, race, values and beliefs.

Stat: Britons prefer brand honesty over charitable behaviour


Stat: Britons prefer brand honesty over charitable behaviour

According to a study by YouGov, six in 10 Britons would prefer large companies to pay what they owe, even if it means they stop donating to charities.
Society : Workplace : Covid-19
Stat: US plant-based meat sales soar amid lockdown


Stat: US plant-based meat sales soar amid lockdown

According to research by Nielsen, American grocery sales have shown a significant rise in meat-free alternatives, including brands such as Beyond M...
Food : Meat-Free : Plant-based
Stat: UK adults read books to escape the pandemic


Stat: UK adults read books to escape the pandemic

Consumers are changing their reading habits during lockdown, according to new research by Nielsen.
Society : Covid-19 : Coronavirus
Stat: Chinese consumers embrace local shopping


Stat: Chinese consumers embrace local shopping

According to research by Kantar, Chinese consumers are now more in favour of products that have been produced locally than they were before the pan...
Covid-19 : Coronavirus : Retail
Stat: Casual runners have stepped up their activity during lockdown


Stat: Casual runners have stepped up their activity during lockdown

According to global research by RunRepeat, runners who usually only run once or twice a week have increased their participation during the Covid-19...
Covid-19 : Coronavirus : Health And Wellness
Stat: Americans less likely to use public transport post-pandemic


Stat: Americans less likely to use public transport post-pandemic

A study by IBM has revealed that nearly 20% of Americans who regularly used buses, subways or trains before the Covid-19 pandemic said they would n...
Covid-19 : Coronavirus : Public Transport
Stat: Asian consumers embrace eating at home


Stat: Asian consumers embrace eating at home

According to a study by Nielsen, Asian consumers are reconsidering their eating habits as a result of Covid-19, with many set to eat at home more o...
Covid-19 : Coronavirus : Home Eating
Stat: Eco-conscious consumers are contradictory


Stat: Eco-conscious consumers are contradictory

According to a study by Ipsos, climate change remains a concern for global citizens – with two thirds agreeing that the issue is just as serious as...
Society : Retail : Shopping
Stat: People consider age as an employability barrier


Stat: People consider age as an employability barrier

In a recent global poll of more than 20,000 respondents across 28 countries, Ipsos reports that people, on average, said they need to work until ag...
Society : Work : Employment
Stat: Chinese consumers remain cautious with purchases


Stat: Chinese consumers remain cautious with purchases

A recent study by McKinsey & Co has revealed that between 20% and 30% of Chinese shoppers are continuing to be cautious post-Covid-19.
Society : Retail : Buying
Stat: Men’s anti-pollution skincare set for significant growth


Stat: Men’s anti-pollution skincare set for significant growth

According to a new report by Technavio, the men’s skincare market is set to grow by $1 billion (€915 million or 803 million) during 2020-2024.
Society : Skincare : Men
Stat: Consumers want tech security as standard


Stat: Consumers want tech security as standard

Research World reports consumers want devices to be completely secure – without paying more.
Society : Technology : Media
Stat: The US workplace is more complex than ever


Stat: The US workplace is more complex than ever

New data from Gensler considers the impact of mobility on employee performance and experience in the workplace.
Society : Workplace : Stat
Stat: US business set to change workplace safety measures


Stat: US business set to change workplace safety measures

According to research by PwC, many American businesses are planning to implement workplace changes to support employees in their return to work pos...
Society : Covid-19 : Coronavirus
Stat: Young Brits are taking up traditional pastimes


Stat: Young Brits are taking up traditional pastimes

A study by Mintel has shown that many Britons have been engaging in traditional pastimes including knitting and board games, with 31% of women and ...
Society : Gen Z : Craft
Stat: Young adults turn to apps to keep family connections


Stat: Young adults turn to apps to keep family connections

Young people globally are more reliant on digital platforms to help them stay connected with loved-ones during the pandemic.
Youth : Society : Covid-19
Stat: US citizens rethink success amid Covid-19


Stat: US citizens rethink success amid Covid-19

According to Triptk, 26% of Americans are now prepared to change their habits for personal growth since the beginning of Covid-19.
Society : Covid-19 : Coronavirus
Stat: eSports wins in India during lockdown


Stat: eSports wins in India during lockdown

According to research by Global Web Index, the gaming and eSports industries have grown significantly since lockdown measures were put in place.
Gaming : ESports : Covid-19
Stat: Londoners turning to food markets during lockdown


Stat: Londoners turning to food markets during lockdown

A study by YouGov has shown that many Britons have changed their grocery shopping habits since the beginning of lockdown.
Food And Drink : Covid-19 : Society
Stat: Employee safety is key for Generation Z


Stat: Employee safety is key for Generation Z

The majority of Generation Z say the main action they want to see from brands during the current pandemic is ensuring employee and consumer safety,...
Retail : Covid-19 : Coronavirus
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