
The latest global consumer trends that we’re tracking across sectors, substantiated by expert opinions and the latest industry statistics.

Eco To Go

Micro Trends

Eco To Go

Packaging innovators are targeting the food delivery sector with re-usable and earth-friendly alternatives to single-use cartons and boxes.
Food : Packaging : Materials
Deep Ownership

Micro Trends

Deep Ownership

New platforms are emerging in which users are not only part of their growth and development but have an active role – and control – as partial owners.
Cryptocurrency : Fashion : E-commerce
Omnilux Lifestyles

Macro Trends

Omnilux Lifestyles

The luxury experience of the future will no longer rely on tactile human-to-human moments, but anytime attainment, anywhere in the world. In this d...
Luxury : Hospitality : Travel
Heritage Refashioned

Micro Trends

Heritage Refashioned

At a time of greater brand transparency, the luxury sector is looking inwards to address and change the meaning of heritage beyond its colonial con...
Luxury : Fashion : Black Lives Matter
Graphic Activism

Design Directions

Graphic Activism

Activism narratives are being reframed through the lens of one-world, future-positive mindsets, fuelled by online conversation and nostalgic aesthe...
Society : Design : Fashion
Digital Twin Cities

Micro Trends

Digital Twin Cities

From Silicon Valley to Stuttgart, digital twins of the built environment are enabling people to explore, engage with and evolve their real-life sur...
Future Cities : Architecture : Technology
Sensory Destinations

Micro Trends

Sensory Destinations

As tourism emerges from a period of adversity, marketers are selling the sensorial nature of travel to consumers overwhelmed by screens.
Travel : Hospitality : Tourism
Deadstock Designers

Micro Trends

Deadstock Designers

As the pandemic leaves fashion brands with a glut of unsold apparel, designers are shifting focus to dead stock and agile new waste strategies.
Fashion : Retail : Design
High-tech Sugars

Micro Trends

High-tech Sugars

As consumers, companies and governing bodies shun sugar, innovations and next-generation sweeteners are blending nutrition with science and technol...
Food : Sugar : Technology
Alumni Incubators

Micro Trends

Alumni Incubators

As Covid-19 risks stunting Generation Z’s career prospects, brands are stepping in to nurture the next generation of talent.
Youth : Workplace : Fashion
Agile Artisans

Micro Trends

Agile Artisans

Revealing a more resilient business model, ethical fashion and homeware brands are supporting their artisan suppliers during the coronavirus pandemic.
Fashion : Homeware : Retail
Low-impact Interfaces

Micro Trends

Low-impact Interfaces

To cut the carbon emissions of our online consumption, designers are exploring how to simplify UX and UI design to be greener and more energy-effic...
Technology : Sustainability : Design
Moral Commerce

Micro Trends

Moral Commerce

In the wake of Black Lives Matter, consumers are seeking brand allies and making shopping decisions informed by their socio-political values.
Retail : Finance : Sustainability
Inter-Covid Fashion

Micro Trends

Inter-Covid Fashion

In the inter-Covid period, fashion choices are becoming informed by health and safety concerns, resulting in hygiene-first threads and socially dis...
Fashion : Covid-19 : Health
Positive Barriers

Design Directions

Positive Barriers

Designers are reframing the visual language of social distancing, using colour and familiar materials to encourage safer navigation of our built en...
Health : Wellness : Covid-19
Augmented Restaurants

Micro Trends

Augmented Restaurants

Augmented reality is creating unconventional, interactive dining experiences that bridge the gap between physical and digital environments.
Food & Drink : Social Media : Technology

Micro Trends


Post-lockdown, Generation Z are seeking more democratised music communities, blurring the worlds of education and creation.
Music : Entertainment : Youth
Mundane Gaming

Micro Trends

Mundane Gaming

Countering our hyper-emotional online existence, gaming platforms are turning mundane daily activities into a form of escapism.
Gaming : Technology : Health & Wellness
Isolated Intimacy

Micro Trends

Isolated Intimacy

As the world experiences a crisis of closeness, new services are positioning isolation as an opportunity to reassess the meaning of intimacy.
Health : Wellness : Technology
Studio Stores

Micro Trends

Studio Stores

Faced with declining footfall and fallout from coronavirus, retailers are reclaiming their stores as multimedia hubs for content creation.
Retail : Media : E-commerce
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