
The latest global consumer trends that we’re tracking across sectors, substantiated by expert opinions and the latest industry statistics.

Recuperative Living

Macro Trends

Recuperative Living

In the aftermath of Covid-19, consumers’ collective concerns about hygiene, wellbeing and immunity will drive new directions in beauty and wellness...
Beauty : Health : Wellness
Activism Gaming

Micro Trends

Activism Gaming

A new generation are viewing the gaming world as a utopian medium to explore and express their social, ethical and political values.
Youth : Media : Entertainment
Anti-social Sanctuaries

Micro Trends

Anti-social Sanctuaries

Reclaiming their liberation, affluent consumers are paying a premium for travel and dining services that promise total seclusion.
Luxury : Hospitality : Travel
Decentralised Care

Micro Trends

Decentralised Care

With the world facing a crisis of health, new micro-societies are emerging that infuse local communities with solidarity, trust and care.
Health : Covid-19 : Wellness
Flagship Fulfilment

Micro Trends

Flagship Fulfilment

As consumers continue to value speed, retail brands are doubling down on the ways supply chains, logistics and fulfilment can enhance their identit...
Retail : Technology : Logistics

Micro Trends


With parents of Generation Alpha now home educators, brands are elevating playtime with tools that combine digital and analogue learning.
Youth : Technology : Gen Alpha
Feedback Frontiers

Macro Trends

Feedback Frontiers

As communications with consumers become more circular and conversational, brands are treating every micro-interaction as a valuable opportunity to ...
Retail : E-commerce : Digital
Virtual Happy Hours

Micro Trends

Virtual Happy Hours

Amid Covid-19 and self-isolation, digital tools combined with delivery services are reframing drinking at home as a positive, social activ...
Drink : Society : Retail
Sacrificial Advertising

Micro Trends

Sacrificial Advertising

With a quarter of the world’s population in lockdown, brands are sacrificing typical marketing messages for campaigns that promote isolation over p...
Advertising : Society : Covid-19
Vanity Redefined

Micro Trends

Vanity Redefined

In a society that celebrates being humble, modest and self-effacing, media companies are rebranding self-pride as a force for good.
Media : Technology : Marketing
Ancestral Beauty

Micro Trends

Ancestral Beauty

Beauty brands are taking ownership of heritage through the revival of ancestral rituals and ingredients that celebrate – not appropriate – their cu...
Beauty : Society : Culture
Post-purpose Brands

Macro Trends

Post-purpose Brands

Pushing back against purpose-washing and jumping on the bandwagon, brands will embrace imperfection and focus on betterment. With more intuitive te...
Retail : Branding : Purpose
Pleasure Revolution

Macro Trends

Pleasure Revolution

With every second of our free time colonised by the cult of busyness, future consumers will turn away from a life of relentless productivity and sh...
Leisure : Workplace : Wellness
Enlightened States

Macro Trends

Enlightened States

The experience economy is pivoting towards personal transformation as the public imagination looks inwards, favouring self-discovery over shared sp...
Experience : Wellness : Leisure
Media Kitchens

Micro Trends

Media Kitchens

Delivery platforms are working with media companies and social apps to launch virtual restaurants that combine food with entertainment.
Food : Drinks : Media
Discovery Grocers

Micro Trends

Discovery Grocers

Online grocers are putting personalisation at the heart of their offering, from curated shopping baskets to SMS advisers.
Retail : Food : Technology
Before & After Travel

Micro Trends

Before & After Travel

Travel and hospitality brands are future-proofing their customer relationships by providing services to elevate the pre- and post-trip experience....
Travel : Hospitality : Hotel
Eco-ambitious Retail

Micro Trends

Eco-ambitious Retail

Brands are self-imposing sustainability goals on their businesses that – while initially financially impactful – validate them as fundamental to fu...
Retail : Sustainability : Brand 2020
Co-mmunity Spaces

Micro Trends

Co-mmunity Spaces

New hospitality spaces are drawing inspiration from co-working and members’ clubs with hybrid offerings that mix work, play and rest under one roof.
Workplace : Society : Hospitality
Nature+ Beauty

Micro Trends

Nature+ Beauty

As supplies of raw ingredients dwindle, bio-technology is stepping in to challenge beauty brands and consumers to forge new definitions of natural.
Beauty : Sustainability : Bio-technology
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