
The latest global consumer trends that we’re tracking across sectors, substantiated by expert opinions and the latest industry statistics.

Recreation Skincare

Micro Trends

Recreation Skincare

As interest in the great outdoors surges, beauty brands are recognising the need to upgrade the look and ingredients of their personal care products.
Health & Wellness : Beauty : Skincare
Bold Baby Food

Micro Trends

Bold Baby Food

To foster a new generation of adventurous eaters, brands are offering flavourful new baby foods with herbs, roots and spices from the global pantry.
Food : Youth : Health
Civic Ads

Micro Trends

Civic Ads

As society struggles with climate change, rising homelessness and unsafe infrastructure, brands are turning to advertising as a force for good.
Media : Advertising : Global
Eco Clubs

Micro Trends

Eco Clubs

Eco-anxious clubbers are inspiring venue owners and festivals to consider cleaner, more sustainable practices to protect the environment.
Travel : Sustainability : Leisure
Liberation Luxury

Macro Trends

Liberation Luxury

As global wealth fluctuates, a new mindset is emerging centred on curiosity, flexibility and footloose living. In order to meet these shifting prio...
Luxury : Travel : Hospitality
Secondary Waste Retail

Micro Trends

Secondary Waste Retail

New retail systems are professionalising the waste sector, transforming it into a consumer-facing currency and future new economy.
Retail : Fashion : Sustainability
Post-modern Museums

Micro Trends

Post-modern Museums

Pop-up museums are transforming from novel experiences into platforms for people and brands to engage with discussions about the future.
Entertainment : Leisure : Culture
Music as Medicine

Micro Trends

Music as Medicine

Music is emerging as the next frontier for wellness, with musicians, record labels and start-ups harnessing sound’s impact on health, wellbeing and...
Music : Wellness : Media
Eco-tel Evolution

Micro Trends

Eco-tel Evolution

Government policies are driving a new wave of environmental initiatives at high-end hotels, working to offset their impact while educating and insp...
Hotels : Travel : Sustainability
Adaptive Beauty

Micro Trends

Adaptive Beauty

Innovative technology and packaging solutions are ushering in a new era of inclusivity for consumers with visual impairments and conditions like mu...
Beauty : Inclusivity : Japan
Peer Platforms

Micro Trends

Peer Platforms

A trust deficit between shoppers and brands is driving the rise of community-led platforms where purchasing tips and style advice are openly shared.
Retail : E-commerce : Peer To Peer

Micro Trends


Travel and hospitality brands are levelling up their services to embrace the thrills, sights and sounds of competitive gaming.
Travel : Hospitality : Tourism
Post-digital Communication

Micro Trends

Post-digital Communication

Designers are swapping fiddly haptic interfaces for basic material props in order to enhance the poetry and meaning of virtual experiences.
Virtual Reality : Communication : Technology
Mirrored Realms

Design Directions

Mirrored Realms

As reality becomes more programmable, a visual aesthetic is being defined that reflects the artificiality of the virtual world alongside our everyd...
Programmable Realities : Immaterial Fashion : Virtual
New Wave Aperitifs

Micro Trends

New Wave Aperitifs

The traditional aperitif is being re-invented, tapping into moderation mindsets and a slower style of drinking infiltrating cocktail culture.
Drinks : Aperitifs : Alcohol
Conscious Deceleration

Macro Trends

Conscious Deceleration

Struggling to keep up with fast-paced and demanding approaches to fitness, health-conscious consumers are looking for a more measured, long-term ap...
Wellness : Health : Technology
Sonic Identities

Micro Trends

Sonic Identities

As we move towards a screenless future, brands will use sound as both an identifier and a way to stand out from the crowd.
Branding : Digital : Voice
Fast Fashion Rental

Micro Trends

Fast Fashion Rental

Clothing rental is moving from high-end fashion to the high street, creating new paths to discovery and access for trend-conscious consumers.
Retail : Fashion : Retail Technology
Modern Therapy

Micro Trends

Modern Therapy

As mental health disorders surge, the outdated therapy sector is diversifying to address the vulnerabilities of the next generation.
Wellness : Health : Youth
Cloud Gaming

Micro Trends

Cloud Gaming

A new era of gaming is on the horizon, fuelled by big brand data centres, digital communities and on-demand services.
Media : Gaming : Leisure
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