
The latest global consumer trends that we’re tracking across sectors, substantiated by expert opinions and the latest industry statistics.

Empowered Travel

Micro Trends

Empowered Travel

In an industry tainted by colonial roots, travel brands are shifting their priorities towards the empowerment and rights of indigenous residents.
Travel : Hospitality : Culture
Immaterial Fashion

Macro Trends

Immaterial Fashion

As the fashion industry grapples with existential questions about supply chain and overconsumption, digitisation offers a new route for consumers ...
Fashion : Sustainability : Digital
Masculinity Rebranded

Design Directions

Masculinity Rebranded

The aesthetic of masculinity is changing. Creative practitioners are looking at men more expansively, and are advocating a highly decorative and em...
Gender : New Masculinity : Branding
Female Highs

Micro Trends

Female Highs

With the pharmaceutical industry under scrutiny for not accommodating women’s needs, female consumers are turning to marijuana as a new approach to...
Wellness : Cannabis : Health
At-home Fitness

Micro Trends

At-home Fitness

A new wave of devices are designed to ease the impact of busy, modern living by making at-home fitness more immersive, efficient and effective.
Health : Wellbeing : Technology
Furniture as a Service

Micro Trends

Furniture as a Service

With consumers less willing and less able to establish permanent homes, furniture brands are having to develop products and services that don’t rel...
Retail : Furniture : Hospitality
Social Media Music

Micro Trends

Social Media Music

While streaming services have expanded our musical libraries, a new generation of artists are creating records with our digital habits in mind.
Youth : Entertainment : Digital
Young Bibliophiles

Micro Trends

Young Bibliophiles

Despite the time they spend online young people still want traditional book formats. Brands and influencers are therefore using digital channels to...
Youth : Reading : YouTube
Uneasy Affluence

Macro Trends

Uneasy Affluence

A collective backlash against ostentatious spending is fuelling new anxiety among luxury consumers. This is forcing luxury brands to rethink the...
Luxury : Hospitality : Finance
Evening Waters

Micro Trends

Evening Waters

Amid consumers’ rising concern about the effect of alcohol on their health, a series of versatile waters are emerging intended for evening consumpt...
Water : Non-alcoholic : Nightcap
Alternative Intoxication

Micro Trends

Alternative Intoxication

With alcohol losing favour among consumers, cannabis-infused drinks are set to offer an alternative for those still seeking some form of intoxication.
Drink : Cannabis : CBD

Micro Trends


As consumers turn away from superficial apps such Tinder and Bumble, Instagram is evolving into a dating platform where people can s...
Youth : Dating : Digital
Modern Med Spas

Micro Trends

Modern Med Spas

The doctor’s surgery and the beauty spa are converging into a hybrid offering where customers can get both aesthetic and medical treatments in one ...
Beauty : Wellness : Drink
Transgender Beauty

Micro Trends

Transgender Beauty

As identity continues along a fluid trajectory, brands are collaborating with the LGBTQ+ community to create products and services that empower tra...
Beauty : Retail : Identity
Precision Running

Micro Trends

Precision Running

As consumers look for ways to engage their body and mind beyond the yoga mat, brands are re-evaluating the function of running as a holistic wellbe...
Running : Fitness : Health And Wellness
Data ID Stores

Micro Trends

Data ID Stores

Future-facing bricks-and-mortar brands are personalising the store experience through the use of consumer data profiles.
Retail : Fashion : Food And Drink
Office Stores

Micro Trends

Office Stores

Through new technological and physical touchpoints, FMCG brands are exploring the workplace as a profitable retail opportunity.
Retail : Convenience : Co-working
The New Casino

Micro Trends

The New Casino

Casinos have long relied on symbols of ostentatious wealth. But to win over the younger generation, they are rethinking gambling formats and abando...
Luxury : Hospitality : Travel
Acne Positivity

Micro Trends

Acne Positivity

As #bodypositivity continues to expand, young people are leading a movement towards the acceptance of acne – a skin condition that has l...
Youth : Beauty : Wellness
Low-proof Drinkers

Micro Trends

Low-proof Drinkers

Consumers are eschewing the extremes of binge-drinking and abstinence in favour of a more considered relationship with alcohol.
Hospitality : Drinks : Wellness
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