
Everything you need to face your future consumer with confidence, including the latest ethnographic research, generational insight, consumer-related stats and overarching human needs.

The media-tels merging hospitality with tech

Big Ideas

The media-tels merging hospitality with tech

With the worlds of technology and travel increasingly colliding, media-infused hotels are enhancing services and providing next-gen entertainment.
Hospitality : Travel : Tourism
Four ways social media is reshaping shopping

Big Ideas

Four ways social media is reshaping shopping

Social networks and gaming environments are opening up as shopping platforms, prompting retailers to take their strategies into new, interactive te...
Retail : Ecommerce : Online Retail
The new-age vinegars re-inventing acidity

Big Ideas

The new-age vinegars re-inventing acidity

Craft vinegar is evolving as a health food and a high-end pantry staple, resulting in a wave of elevated and experimental fusions.
Food : Pantry : Vinegar
Emerging Youth: Canada


Emerging Youth: Canada

With little desire to return to normality, Canadian youth are seizing their own futures through upskilling, community healing and support of indige...
Canada : Youth : Society
Fashion 2030: Hacked, tracked and rationed

Big Ideas

Fashion 2030: Hacked, tracked and rationed

As fashion counts the cost of its planetary impact, we future-gaze to 2030 and posit an era when fast fashion is not only traced – it’s rationed.
Fashion : Technology : Sustainability
African Mobile Technology Market


African Mobile Technology Market

During Covid-19, the mobile-first African continent is using phones to forge a new future for healthcare, commerce and rural connectivity.
FinTech : Society : Technology
Reclaiming Black Beauty


Reclaiming Black Beauty

Innovative black founders are authentically understanding and prioritising the requirements of black beauty consumers, pushing the beauty sector to...
Beauty : Retail : Inclusivity
Mid-life Male Drinkers Market


Mid-life Male Drinkers Market

Alcohol brands are redefining modern drinking culture for men by empowering them to take pride in the social perceptiveness and judgement demonst...
Drinks : Marketing : New Masculinity
Diet Hackers


Diet Hackers

Consumers entering a post-functional relationship with food and drink are seeking to build resilience and find balance.
Communities : Food And Drink
Champagne Futures Market


Champagne Futures Market

With 2020 poised to be a vintage year, champagne producers are grappling with the challenge of Covid-19 and a consumer base seeking less ostentatio...
Luxury : Drink : Alcohol
Repurposed Retail Market


Repurposed Retail Market

As Covid-19 hits real estate, vacant department stores, shopping malls and their car parks are being given a new lease of life.
Retail : Architecture : Fulfilment
Race-empowered wellness

Big Ideas

Race-empowered wellness

From fitness platforms to sonic escapism, global majority communities are launching transformational healing services away from their oppressors.
Wellness : Diversity : Inclusion
The digital evolution of neighbourhood stores

Big Ideas

The digital evolution of neighbourhood stores

With Covid-19 bolstering spending in local stores, new platforms are emerging that digitise independent retailers and boost access for remote shopp...
Retail : Technology : Food
Emerging Youth: China


Emerging Youth: China

Showing their post-pandemic resilience, young Chinese are fusing highly disparate worlds: cloud raves, pastoral living and nostalgic apparel.
Youth : Generation Z : China
Neighbourhood Tourism Market


Neighbourhood Tourism Market

With the hospitality sector forced to accept a long-term drop in tourism, it's turning its attention towards local citizens.
Travel : Tourism : Hospitality
How beauty is being refined for Generation Z

Big Ideas

How beauty is being refined for Generation Z

New brands are targeting teens by re-inventing coming-of-age skincare rituals for a more pragmatic – but still visual-first – generation.
Youth : Beauty : Skincare
Off-price Retail Strategies


Off-price Retail Strategies

To counteract the surplus stock resulting from Covid-19 closures and slower spending, brands are innovating with new off-price retail strategies th...
Retail : Pricing : Luxury
Asian Urban Farming Market


Asian Urban Farming Market

Concerns about food security, climate change and loss of livelihood are re-affirming urban farming as a model for sustainable living in Asia’s me...
Sustainability : Urban Farming : Food
China Luxury Retail Market


China Luxury Retail Market

As its economy bounces back, China is becoming the global gauge for luxury retail, powered by revenge spending, patriotic mindsets and virtual comm...
Luxury : Retail : China
DIY Dressing Market


DIY Dressing Market

With sustainability increasingly front of mind, consumers are getting creative with their clothing and opting for DIY fashion over new items.
Fashion : Sustainability
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