
Everything you need to face your future consumer with confidence, including the latest ethnographic research, generational insight, consumer-related stats and overarching human needs.

Generative AI Creativity Market


Generative AI Creativity Market

An emerging wave of consumer-facing generative AI platforms are redefining the very nature of creative work.
Technology : Media & Entertainment : Design
Fertility Market: The New Cycle


Fertility Market: The New Cycle

Calling time on body clock stigma, a candid new conversation is taking place about fertility.
Health : Wellness : Fertility
Cannabis Market Update


Cannabis Market Update

Despite a lack of regulatory controls, the much-hyped cannabis-derived food and beverage market continues to grow and diversify.
Food : Drink : Retail
Future Forecast 2023: Media & Technology

Big Ideas

Future Forecast 2023: Media & Technology

From the Betterverse to the dawn of the AI revolution, we select five key directions for 2023 in the media and technology sector.
Technology : Media & Entertainment : Youth
Future Forecast 2023: Youth

Big Ideas

Future Forecast 2023: Youth

From youth culture’s flat age future to wise-beyond-their-years Zalphas, we select five key directions in youth culture for 2023.
Youth : Media & Entertainment : Society
Future Forecast 2023: Retail

Big Ideas

Future Forecast 2023: Retail

From the growth of Web3 retail to expanding phygital opportunities, hyperphysical spaces and exclusive spaces for VICs, we look ahead to retail in ...
Retail : Ecommerce : Design
Future Forecast 2023: Fashion

Big Ideas

Future Forecast 2023: Fashion

From dystopian aesthetics and lab-based textile alternatives to the growth of resale platforms and monetised archives, we look ahead to fashion in ...
Fashion : Design : Sustainability
Future Forecast 2023: Luxury

Big Ideas

Future Forecast 2023: Luxury

Luxury is once more becoming exclusive, guilded and hyper-curated. It is also about assets that can be traded and traced in digital as well as phys...
Luxury : Fashion : Retail
Future Forecast 2023: Travel & Hospitality

Big Ideas

Future Forecast 2023: Travel & Hospitality

The future of the travel and hospitality sector is a challenging one, but those brands and services that allow individuals to enjoy the human quali...
Sustainability : Travel & Hospitality : Luxury
Future Forecast 2023: Drink

Big Ideas

Future Forecast 2023: Drink

The beverage industry will increasingly see a wave of decolonisation, with new spirits brands emerging from regions like Africa and countries like ...
Drink : Sustainability : Packaging
Future Forecast 2023: Food

Big Ideas

Future Forecast 2023: Food

The post-Covid rush to be out, meet people and eat out has faded, dampened by rising living costs and global financial turmoil, which is set to con...
Food : Sustainability : Technology
Future Forecast 2023: Health & Wellness

Big Ideas

Future Forecast 2023: Health & Wellness

Our mental wellbeing has become just as important as our physical wellbeing. In 2023, both brands and their physical spaces will increasingly addre...
Health : Wellness : Technology
Future Forecast 2023: Beauty

Big Ideas

Future Forecast 2023: Beauty

In 2023, the beauty sector will simultaneously embrace hyperphysical experiences and the growing potential of digital and dual-reality identities.
Beauty : Wellness : Technology
Grandpeers Market


Grandpeers Market

In a mindset shift among older consumers, grandparents are becoming grandpeers, sharing platforms with their grandchildren and keen to collaborate.
Society : Technology : Health
Retail’s New UX Sustainability Hubs

Big Ideas

Retail’s New UX Sustainability Hubs

As consumer demand for value-driven retail increases, a new wave of Hyperphysical Stores offering sustainability-focused customer experiences are c...
Retail : Sustainability : Fashion
Supermarkets in 2050

Big Ideas

Supermarkets in 2050

In just 30 years, we can expect supermarkets to facilitate bio-hacking, offer store-grown personalised foods and provide planet-friendly recommenda...
Food : Health : Wellness
State of Luxury: South Korea


State of Luxury: South Korea

With rising wealth and digital fluency in its younger demographics, South Korea is well positioned as one of Asia’s most exciting and innovative gr...
Luxury : Fashion : Art
Five Innovators Empowering Football Activism

Big Ideas

Five Innovators Empowering Football Activism

With the 2022 FIFA World Cup under way, change-makers are using football as a platform for protest and progress.
Youth : Sports & Leisure : Society
Gen Z Digital Wellness Market


Gen Z Digital Wellness Market

Digitally native Generation Z go online to learn, play, socialise, but also to heal and open up, and this is giving rise to platforms supporting we...
Youth : Wellness : Mental Health
Five Luxury Fashion Brands Advancing Biotechnology

Big Ideas

Five Luxury Fashion Brands Advancing Biotechnology

Luxury fashion houses are increasingly recognising the potential of biotechnology and experimenting with bio-textiles for a more sustainable future.
Fashion : Technology : Luxury
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