Gen Alpha

Born 2013–2025 and wise beyond their years, this generation will be defined by their productivity and dedication to change.

Social networking site for children launched

Big Ideas

Social networking site for children launched

Social networking site for children launched
Social Networking : Facebook : Togetherville
Making child’s play out of social media

Big Ideas

Making child’s play out of social media

Making child’s play out of social media
Boaki : Social Media : Habbo Hotel
A quarter of mobile users simultaneously interact with other screens

Big Ideas

A quarter of mobile users simultaneously interact with other screens

A quarter of mobile users simultaneously interact with other screens
Second Screen : Multi-tasking : Yahoo
UK theme parks thrive despite economic rollercoaster

Big Ideas

UK theme parks thrive despite economic rollercoaster

UK theme parks thrive despite economic rollercoaster
Theme Parks : Recession : Mintel
Online reading platforms lead kids to books

Big Ideas

Online reading platforms lead kids to books

Online reading platforms lead kids to books
Books : E-books : Readeo
Online music services replacing music sales

Big Ideas

Online music services replacing music sales

Online music services replacing music sales
Spotify : Music Streaming : NPD
Youngsters rethink everyday issues as ‘kidnovation’ takes off

Big Ideas

Youngsters rethink everyday issues as ‘kidnovation’ takes off

Youngsters rethink everyday issues as ‘kidnovation’ takes off
Children : Manufacturing Institute : Fab Lab
Toy story turns to tech and eco-awareness

Big Ideas

Toy story turns to tech and eco-awareness

Toy story turns to tech and eco-awareness
Toys : Trends UK : Mattel
Kidult spaces

Micro Trends

Kidult spaces

Kidult spaces
Children : Education : Play
For today’s gamers, style matters

Big Ideas

For today’s gamers, style matters

For today’s gamers, style matters
Atari : Female Gamers : Fashion Gaming
Multi-tasking teens love multi-media more

Big Ideas

Multi-tasking teens love multi-media more

Multi-tasking teens love multi-media more
Kaiser Family Foundation : Media : Social Networking
Social networkers promote themselves truthfully

Big Ideas

Social networkers promote themselves truthfully

Social networkers promote themselves truthfully
Germany : Social Networks : Facebook
Foods that target children are under fire in the US

Big Ideas

Foods that target children are under fire in the US

Foods that target children are under fire in the US
Kelloggs : General Mills : Cereal
Female gaming continues to grow

Big Ideas

Female gaming continues to grow

Female gaming continues to grow
Tokyo : Japan : Video Games
Consumers increasingly playing on the go

Big Ideas

Consumers increasingly playing on the go

Consumers increasingly playing on the go
Japan : Video Games : Mobile Games
Hotels court their youngest customers

Big Ideas

Hotels court their youngest customers

Hotels court their youngest customers
Boston : Four Seasons : Children
For teenagers, streaming music rules over ownership

Big Ideas

For teenagers, streaming music rules over ownership

For teenagers, streaming music rules over ownership
Leading Question : Spotify : Imeem
New social media landscapes


New social media landscapes

Social media has reached a tipping point, and is growing up. If social media 2.0 was a rebellious playground complete with consumer cliques and bra...
Social Media : JupiterResearch : Digital Divide
Kids’ foods grow up

Big Ideas

Kids’ foods grow up

Kids’ foods grow up
Ready Meals : Nutrition : Cooking
Don Tapscott : Harness the power of the digital generation


Don Tapscott : Harness the power of the digital generation

Author Don Tapscott talks about harnessing the power of the digital generation. 
Don Tapscott : Grown Up Digital : Facebook
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