Gen Alpha

Born 2013–2025 and wise beyond their years, this generation will be defined by their productivity and dedication to change.

Health-conscious Kids

Micro Trends

Health-conscious Kids

As society becomes more health-conscious, wellness is trickling down to the youngest generation.
WellJelly : China Drewitt : Fitness Trackers
Video: Snap to it

Big Ideas

Video: Snap to it

Global – MTV is one of the first brands to innovate with video on Snapchat’s Discover publishing platform.
MTV : Snapchat : Gen Viz
Party live

Big Ideas

Party live

US – The Houseparty app enables Gen Viz consumers to visually communicate en masse with group video calls.
Houseparty : Gen Viz : Livestreaming
Youth in crisis

Big Ideas

Youth in crisis

UK – A new study suggests that young British adults are suffering a crisis of confidence.
Housing Crisis : Work-life Balance : Adultlescents
Toy boy

Big Ideas

Toy boy

US – Boy Story is a range of male dolls for boys that is designed to promote gender equality.
Boy Story : Neutral Culture : Action Dolls
An unshared future


An unshared future

Fears are growing that the sharing economy model is not as benign as it first appeared.
The Sharing Economy : Airbnb : Uber
Professional freelancers

Big Ideas

Professional freelancers

US – Business networking platform LinkedIn has launched a new service that enables users access to the gig economy.
LinkedIn : Freelance Economy : Professional Network
Back to school

Big Ideas

Back to school

US – The end-of-summer sales boost that comes with back-to-school purchases is already under way, so what can we expect from this season?
Generation D : Athleisure : Back-to-School
Coding made cool

Big Ideas

Coding made cool

North America – Start-up company Vidcode is promoting coding among young people with the launch of its Snapchat filter competition.
Vidcode : The Learning Economy : Snapchat
Brexit: 360 Vision


Brexit: 360 Vision

The best response to the EU referendum for UK brands is to be even more internationalist.
Anti-authenticity : Internationalism : Branding
Recording your Lifestage

Big Ideas

Recording your Lifestage

Global – Facebook has launched a new network designed exclusively for the under-21s.
Facebook : Gen Viz : Lifestage
Virtual etiquette

Big Ideas

Virtual etiquette

US – A series of experiments by Daydream Labs examine how to mitigate the potential for rude or abusive behaviour in virtual reality.
Virtual Reality : Online Gaming : Google
Brexit: Partisan Brands


Brexit: Partisan Brands

While it's unavoidable for modern brands to take a political position, best leave the placards at home.
Brexit : Brandstanding : New Bricolage Living
Beauty hotline

Big Ideas

Beauty hotline

Global – Beauty brand Birchbox has introduced a Snapchat customer service offer that emphasises human connection.
Birchbox : Revelation Brands : Personal Appsistants
Apple for the teacher

Big Ideas

Apple for the teacher

Naples – Apple is working with the University of Naples Federico II to create the first iOS Developers Academy.
Apple : Gen Viz : Education
An apple a day

Big Ideas

An apple a day

Los Angeles – Doctors are giving overweight children who are at risk of developing diabetes prescriptions for free fruit and vegetables.
LA : Food And Drink Futures : Health & Wellness
Generation D Recruitment

Micro Trends

Generation D Recruitment

Brands are waking up to the fact that graduate fairs and recruitment websites are no longer relevant as platforms for recruiting Generation D talent.
Recruitment : Gen Viz : Workplace Futures
Watermelon Sugar

Design Directions

Watermelon Sugar

Designer Pamm Hong has created a speculative platform that visualises a user’s browsing history as an abstract creature.
Online Identity : Algorithms : The Sharded Self
Back to school

Big Ideas

Back to school

Seattle – Amazon has built on its presence in education with new resource-sharing platform Inspire.
Amazon : The Dawn Of The Mega-systems : Education
Luke Whitehead: UAL


Luke Whitehead: UAL

How universities and employers need to restructure to make the most of the Generation D mindset.
Education : Careers : UAL
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