Gen X

Born 1965–1980, Gen X-ers are the smallest cohort yet inherently adaptable, the ‘bridgers’ realising their digital dreams out of an analogue upbringing.

Daniel Freitag on confessing sustainable design sins


Daniel Freitag on confessing sustainable design sins

The fashion label co-founder talks about how their presentation at Milan Salone was designed to kickstart a debate about the industry's sustainable...
Fashion : Sustainability : Milan Salone
Co-economy Childcare

Micro Trends

Co-economy Childcare

With the sharing economy disrupting many of the pillars of adult life, brands are now turning their attention to the ways it can positively affect ...
Youth : Education : Co-working
Beauty has a responsibility to cater for men of colour


Beauty has a responsibility to cater for men of colour

Blake Rascoe and Patrick Boateng, co-founders of skincare brand Ceylon, explain beauty’s representation problem and why brands need to prioritise r...
Beauty : New Masculinity : Skincare
No more novelties – it’s time for fintech to innovate


No more novelties – it’s time for fintech to innovate

If fintech wants to meet consumers’ aspirations it needs to create new products not just novelty apps rooted in traditional banking services.
FinTech : Finance : Banking Apps
Why retailers need to rewrite data collection


Why retailers need to rewrite data collection

Fresh from Retail Week Live 2019, the title’s executive editor George MacDonald urges retailers to rethink data collection and listen to shoppers’ ...
Retail : Data : Customer Experience
Retraining Sleep Market


Retraining Sleep Market

With technology affecting our ability to sleep soundly, consumers are turning to new tools to help them relearn and improve old sleeping patterns.
Health : Beauty : Wellness
Back to basics: the future of luxury retreats


Back to basics: the future of luxury retreats

Dervla Louli Musgrave, founder of luxury booking portal Compare Retreats, on the desire for solo travel, silence and the opportunity for traditiona...
Wellness : Travel : Luxury
Fitness Auditoria

Micro Trends

Fitness Auditoria

Amid the rise of collective training, the spatial design of fitness is transforming from boutique sanctuaries to exercise arenas and destination ca...
Health And Wellness : Sport : Wellness Architecture
It’s time for tech to bridge families’ digital divisions


It’s time for tech to bridge families’ digital divisions

Technology designers must create experiences that encourage future families to re-engage, converse and bond with each other.
Technology : Youth : Future Family
Accessible Gaming

Micro Trends

Accessible Gaming

While the mainstream gaming industry has long ignored disabled people, a host of new technologies are enabling brands to adapt to their every need.
Gaming : Entertainment : Accessibility
Luxury CBD Market


Luxury CBD Market

CBD is being elevated from an eccentric supplement to a covetable, high-end product through gourmet dining, sophisticated branding and luxury retai...
Luxury : Retail : Wellness
How PY1 heralds the future of mixed reality leisure


How PY1 heralds the future of mixed reality leisure

Jean Guibert, director of creation at Lune Rouge Entertainment, on the multifunctional, immersive leisure facilities emerging as key transformation...
Leisure : Entertainment : Culture
Banking the Unbanked


Banking the Unbanked

With about 2bn unbanked people worldwide, there is an opportunity and a need for brands to use advances in technology to create more inclusive fina...
FinTech : Digital : Banking
The Uncoupled


The Uncoupled

Meet the new community of citizens who are choosing to embrace singledom, polyamory and platonic love over traditional romantic relationships.
Tribe : Travel : Leisure
How skincare can learn from the auto industry


How skincare can learn from the auto industry

Valentin Langen, founder of IONIQ, discusses why beauty brands should focus on cross-sector collaborations to help diversify the skin tech category.
Beauty : Health : Wellness
Craft Coffee Market


Craft Coffee Market

The rise in coffee connoisseurship is creating new opportunities in a competitive market, with brands exploring emerging markets, new product categ...
Food And Drink : Coffee : Hospitality
Post-category Spirits

Micro Trends

Post-category Spirits

A wave of new start-up distilleries are creating category-defying spirits that reject the traditional rules and regulations of liquor-making.
Drinks : Hospitality : Food
Is Spotify’s mute button a sound idea?


Is Spotify’s mute button a sound idea?

Alex Brammer, a UK music lawyer, considers whether hiding content is a reasonable compromise or a risk to musical discovery and serendipity.
Media : Music : Society
Refined Refillables

Micro Trends

Refined Refillables

Beauty and personal care brands are upgrading the eco-friendly element of refillable packaging to be a little more luxurious.
Design : Packaging : Beauty
Skintellectual Haircare

Micro Trends

Skintellectual Haircare

Drawing on ingredients and formulations found in skincare, new products and rituals are emerging that are designed to improve scalp and hair health.
Beauty : Haircare : Technology
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