Las Vegas – Bay Area start-up Fishbit is showing a wireless-connected water monitor at 2015 International CES designed to re-invent the aquarium for the age of the connected home.
The device measures pH value, salinity and temperature in salt water aquariums, delivering insights into the proper balance necessary to maintain collections of marine life. Users can also keep track of their miniature eco-systems on a paired app that flags incompatible species in almost the same way as a pharmacy might flag inappropriate drug interactions.
The system could potentially reduce the knowledge barriers that prevent some people from enjoying aquariums. ‘When we were setting up our own tanks, a local fish store gave us a crab and a shrimp that later we found out should not live together,’ Fishbit co-founder Brac Webb tells LS:N Global. ‘Even in the local fish store, they can make that mistake.’
The company also helps to create a more humane supply chain for fish enthusiasts. Webb says more than 90% of fish taken from the ocean to live in aquariums are dead within six months, and that he can change that. ‘We want to enable people to do that: here’s what would work best in your tank, and here’s the best supplier to get it to you safely,’ he says.
Visit LS:N Global throughout the week for more innovations from the 2015 International CES show.