New York – Energy company NRG is showing how two words can influence the way people see power.
- Power Behind the Plug asks people to stop and consider how their power is made
- NRG has set itself the long-term target of reducing its CO2 emissions by 90% by 2050
Its latest campaign, in collaboration with agency Droga5, is a candid camera piece in which travellers in an airport passenger lounge were offered a choice of three charging stations – ‘Solar Power’, ‘Wind Power’ and ‘Fossil Fuels’.
People overwhelmingly opted for the solar and wind options. The campaign shows that when given the choice, consumers actively avoid fossil fuels.
‘While it may not change how fast your smartphone charges or how hot your hair dryer blows, choosing a power supply that uses energy sources in a smarter way every single day can make a difference for the planet,’ explains NRG in a statement.
The Big Picture: In the future, fuel provenance could be as important to consumers as food provenance. A greater awareness of how consumer decisions are affecting the planet is one of the driving forces behind our Whole-system Thinking macrotrend.