London – Fashion designer Anya Hindmarch wowed guests at London Fashion Week by setting 50,000 dominoes to fall to reveal her autumn/winter 2013/2014 collection.
With her whole range influenced by play and the graphics of board games, Hindmarch collaborated with set designer Rachel Thomas and domino expert Robin Weijers to create a suitably themed show.
The set, which took eight people five days to complete, was covered with 50,000 dominoes, emulating the colours in her collection.
The show began with dominoes tumbling down a flight of stairs and then weaving around key pieces of the collection. Items from her range then rose up from the dominoes before two giant cylinders of dominoes cascaded to reveal her showcase graphic evening clutches and her key piece, the Bathurst with oversized tassels.
Retailers and designers are increasingly creating a show or an experience in retail. For more, read our The Tomorrow Store macrotrend.