
Daily statistics from around the world highlighting evolving mindsets, attitudes and expectations of consumers, transcending age, race, values and beliefs.

Stat: Halal beauty continues to accelerate


Stat: Halal beauty continues to accelerate

Halal beauty, a category that refers to products made with ingredients permissible under Islamic principles, is growing in popularity.
Beauty : Retail : Society
Stat: DTC brands are betting on subscription models


Stat: DTC brands are betting on subscription models

As the number of direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands multiplies, many are seeking new ways to attract and retain customers.
Retail : Society : Finance
Stat: Baby Boomers embrace the eco-benefits of e-bikes


Stat: Baby Boomers embrace the eco-benefits of e-bikes

Although people might assume that older generations are more reliant on gas-guzzling cars, a recent report by mobility company TIER reveals otherwise.
Mobility : Sustainability : Society
Stat: UK shoppers are prioritising local businesses


Stat: UK shoppers are prioritising local businesses

With more UK citizens prioritising their local neighbourhoods and communities, many are opting to shop at independent businesses.
Society : Retail : Finance
Stat: Pay later schemes are driving Gen Z into debt


Stat: Pay later schemes are driving Gen Z into debt

Buy-now, pay-later (BNPL) schemes are driving young people into debt.
Youth : Finance : Society
Stat: Global wellness spending continues to grow


Stat: Global wellness spending continues to grow

The global wellness industry is showing no signs of slowing, with high spending rates and emerging markets representing new opportunities for compa...
Retail : Health & Wellness : Society
Stat: Employees are hesitant to discuss disability at work


Stat: Employees are hesitant to discuss disability at work

People with disabilities are hesitant to share their difficulties at work for fear of being judged, stereotyped or stalling career progression.
Workplace : Society : Inclusivity
Stat: Shoppers are sceptical about the metaverse


Stat: Shoppers are sceptical about the metaverse

Companies investing in metaverse marketplaces should be aware that consumers aren’t likely to abandon physical shopping just yet.
Fashion : Retail : Technology
Stat: Cash-strapped UK citizens struggle to afford hygiene products


Stat: Cash-strapped UK citizens struggle to afford hygiene products

With the rising cost of living increasingly having an impact in the UK, many citizens are struggling to afford hygiene products.
Society : Health & Wellness : Finance
Stat: Consumer spending in mobile games gathers pace


Stat: Consumer spending in mobile games gathers pace

The latest Gaming Spotlight report from and IDC reveals the growing potential of in-game spending across the generations.
Youth : Media & Entertainment : Gaming
Stat: Cryptocurrencies are motivating people to exercise


Stat: Cryptocurrencies are motivating people to exercise

As people become more aware of potential uses for cryptocurrencies, new research reveals opportunities for alternative payments to be used in the h...
Finance : Health & Wellness : Society
Stat: Dubai makes a push for metaverse professions


Stat: Dubai makes a push for metaverse professions

Last week, we reported on the alarming unemployment levels afflicting the EMEA region.
Technology : Society : Metaverse
Stat: American home-buyers rely on parental handouts


Stat: American home-buyers rely on parental handouts

As young Americans make their way onto the property ladder, research by YouGov finds that many home-buyers have received financial help from their ...
Stat : Stats : Statistic
Stat: The climate crisis disrupts sleep


Stat: The climate crisis disrupts sleep

If rising stress and anxiety levels weren’t enough to interfere with a good night’s rest, recent research suggests that global heating is eroding s...
Stat : Statistic : Stats
Stat: Top clients are the bedrock of luxury business


Stat: Top clients are the bedrock of luxury business

Luxury companies are ramping up their efforts to court very important clients, or VICs, as loyal shoppers continue to account for a significant sha...
Luxury : Finance : Technology
Stat: England’s parents struggle to give career advice


Stat: England’s parents struggle to give career advice

In an age when the jobs market is rapidly changing, many of England’s parents are feeling stuck when offering careers advice to their children.
Youth : Education : Parenting
Stat: Eco-conscious Peruvians are willing to sacrifice meat


Stat: Eco-conscious Peruvians are willing to sacrifice meat

While global awareness of the climate crisis is growing rapidly, many consumers are still unwilling to make dietary changes to protect the planet.
Food & Drink : Society : Sustainability
Stat: Creators don’t want to be paid in crypto


Stat: Creators don’t want to be paid in crypto

Despite alternative currencies having gained traction in recent years, many creators don’t want to be paid in cryptocurrencies.
Cryptocurrency : Finance : Media & Technology
Stat: Speed dating is back in business


Stat: Speed dating is back in business

As people re-embrace in-person dating, there is fresh interest in speed dating as a way of meeting potential partners.
Stat : Stats : Statistic
Stat: New York companies are luring workers to offices


Stat: New York companies are luring workers to offices

With many of New York’s office workers continuing to work from home, businesses are having to work harder to encourage people to return to their of...
Stat : Stats : Statistic
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