Module 2 - The Preparedness Mindset

Module 2 - The Preparedness Mindset

Why preparing for tomorrow requires us to reframe our foresight terminology and embrace anticipatory but precautionary approaches to foresight, rather than risk-negative cautionary ones.

Foresight isn’t just a tool, it’s a skill set that requires us to take a more nuanced view of tomorrow as uncertainty becomes the norm.   

Against this backdrop, preparedness thinking needs to be embedded in the boardroom, and risk-averse foresight behaviours need to be replaced by models that are more risk-friendly, intersectional and complex in their outlook.  

As one of our experts says, relative predictability is no longer the norm, so forecasts need to embrace volatility, uncertainty and devastating change as a core forecasting framework. 

Trends and behaviours such as The Paralysis Paradox, Longevity Lifestyles and our Future Five: Identities are good examples of how VUCA – volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity – affect our forecasts. 


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